Do You Care About Someone with Alzheimer’s
But Don’t Know Where to Start?
My FREE Guide Will Get You On The Right Track
If You Are...
- Feeling guilty that you aren’t doing enough
- Wondering where to get accurate information
- Worried that your lifestyle will change
- Reluctant to involve family and friends
- Fearful of legal and financial needs
- Confused about the medical aspects
Then, let the Guide*...
- Show you where to get important information
- Define common terms
- Help you keep your loved one safe
- Teach you how to engage family and friends
- Explain important legal and financial documents
- Clarify medical information
* PDF Format
“This guide is outstanding! It should be in the hands of every family doctor, psychiatrist, geriatrician, nursing home & long-term care center (for families of residents w/dementia), etc. It is concise (down-to-earth understanding), colorful (but not distracting) and clear (not overwhelming or condensing and perfectly encouraging).”
Maryann Makekau Founder, Hope Matters
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