Pamphlets, Books, Forms and Other Tools for Caregivers
An Introductory Guide to Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia
22-page guide provides information and recommendations to help empower you to learn about Alzheimer’s disease and take action.
(Source: Together in This)
Preparing Your Home for Someone with Alzheimer’s
12-page guide introduces steps to help you start creating a safer and more enriching home environment for both you and your loved one.
(Source: Together in This)
Introduction to Alzheimer’s Medications and “Off Label” Prescriptions
14-page guide summarizes the approved and the off-label drugs which are often prescribed for treating dementia related symptoms.
(Source: Together in This)
Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease
19-page booklet describes what happens when someone has Alzheimer’s disease and how it differs from normal aging.
Alzheimer’s Disease Fact Sheet
8-page pamphlet discusses the how the brain changes, symptoms, stages, diagnosis, treatment, and caregiver advice.
Caring for a Person with Alzheimer’s
104-page booklet addresses all aspects of care, from bathing and eating to visiting the doctor and getting respite care.
The Dementias
40-page booklet includes an overview of dementia, including its many types, risk factors, diagnosis, treatment, and research.
Frontotemporal Disorder
36-page booklet explains how FTD is diagnosed, and how to manage the symptoms, with practical advice for caregivers.
Lewy Body Dementia
43-page booklet includes an overview of LBD, including its many types, risk factors, diagnosis, treatment, and research.
Home Safety for Alzheimer’s Care
40-page booklet gives room by-room suggestions for creating a safer space for people with Alzheimer’s disease.
Helping Family and Friends Understand
2-page pamphlet describing how to tell others about the disease and how to help them communicate with the person with Alzheimer’s disease.
Tips for Caregivers
28-page booklet providing practical advice about diagnosis, communication, bathing, eating, sleep problems, medications, & more.
Alzheimer’s Disease Medications
4-page pamphlet discusses medications used to treat Alzheimer’s, including summary of approved medications, recommended dosages, and side effects.
Legal and Financial Planning
6-page pamphlet includes information about healthcare and financial planning, advance directives, and where to go for legal help.
10-page pamphlet with information on types of transportation available, tips for transit drivers, items in a travel kit, and more.
Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease
28-page booklet describes the latest NIA-funded research about prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and age-related cognitive decline.
Alzheimers Disease Genetics Fact Sheet
8-page pamphlet discusses the role of genetics in Alzheimer’s & what types might be inherited, as well as genetic testing and current research.
Alzheimer’s Clinical Trials & Studies
24-page booklet talks about why it’s important to join an Alzheimer’s disease clinical trial or study.
Is My Home Dementia Ready Checklist
Get started in making your home Dementia Friendly where it better serves the needs of you and your loved one.
(Source: Together in This
Hallucinations, Delusions, and Paranoia
2-page pamphlet with caregiver tips to help you better understand these symptoms.
1-page sheet with great strategies how to have a phone conversation with a person with dementia.
Medicines and You:
19-page booklet about the use and effects of medicines as you grow older.
Starting The Conversation:
8-page pamphlet with tips to begin the conversation with a loved one about health, legal, financial, & end-of-life issues.
Talking with Your Doctor:
44-page booklet containing tips for good communication with your doctor including preparation, coordination, & discussing sensitive topics.
Long-Distance Caregiving:
48-page booklet discusses caregiving from afar with topics such as family relationships, legal issues, housing options, & advance directives.
Daily Care Plan Worksheet:
Worksheet to help caregivers create a daily plan of activities to help keep the care recipient safe and enriched.
(Source: Together in This)
Family Medical History Form
Form for documenting a family’s medical history to help with making an accurate medical diagnosis.
(Source: Together in This)
My Medicine Record
Form for itemizing a patient’s medications to help the care circle stay up to date.
Medical Action Plan Form
Form for creating an action plan that anyone can follow if the care recipient’s health declines for any reason.
(Source:Together in This)
Personal Health Record
Form for documenting a person’s medical history, helping caregivers keep information organized (external link).
Person Centered Profile:
Form to log important information about your loved one with dementia so everyone can provide better person centered care.
(Source: Together in This)
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