No matter what journey you are on, if you don’t plan ahead you will likely find yourself going in circles as you try to find your way. These inefficiencies will result in lost time and money as well as draining you emotionally.
When we don’t have a roadmap to guide us, we have to use our judgment, and often times we are left guessing. Since we are not trained caregivers, these decisions often have negative consequences.
The only way to overcome this is by self-educating and putting together a plan that will guide us on this journey. While this plan will not be perfect, it will at least point us in the right direction and help us avoid the many potholes that lie ahead.
To help illustrate this, I wrote an article for The Caregiver’s Voice which compares caregiving to Taking a Road Trip with a Man.
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Hi Mike
I enjoy your practical tips & always keep referring to them. My husband is either in late 5 th or early 6th stage. Doctor advised palliative care. Live in NJ and can not find this type of care for Alzheimer’s. Even though I read it’s important for this disease all I can find in palliative care is for cancer. Do you have any idea where I can search for this type of humaine approach.
Hi Fran, thank you for you nice comments. You might start by contacting your local Alzheimer’s Association Chapter and here are a link that I would also try: and the phone number for Eldercare Locator ( who may also be able to help 1-800-677-1116. Sorry I don’t have better suggestions 🙁